Rubik's Cube (commonly misspelled rubix, rubick's or rubics cube) is a mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by the Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. Originally called the "Magic Cube" by its inventor, this puzzle was renamed "Rubik's Cube" by Ideal Toys in 1980 and also won the 1980 German "Game of the Year" (Spiel des Jahres) special award for Best Puzzle. It is said to be the world's best-selling toy, with some 300,000,000 Rubik's Cubes and imitations sold worldwide.
Typically, each face of the cube is covered by 9 stickers, and each face or side of the cube has one of 6 solid colors. When the puzzle is solved, each face of the cube is a solid color. The cube celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary in 2005, when a special edition cube in a presentation box was released, featuring a sticker in the centre of the reflective face (which replaced the white face) with a "Rubik's Cube 1980-2005" logo.
The puzzle comes in four widely available versions: the 2×2×2 (Pocket Cube, also Mini Cube or Ice Cube), the 3×3×3 standard cube, the 4×4×4 ("Rubik's Revenge"), and the 5×5×5 ("Professor's Cube"). Recently, Greek inventor Panagiotis Verdes patented a method of creating cubes beyond the 5×5×5, up to 11×11×11. His designs, which include improved mechanisms for the 3×3×3, 4×4×4, and 5×5×5, are suitable for speed cubing, whereas existing designs for cubes larger than 3×3×3 are prone to breaking. As of June 1st, 2007, these designs are still being tested and are not widely available yet, although videos of actual, working prototypes for the 6×6×6 and 7×7×7 have been released, and it was recently announced that these cubes would be released sometime in 2008.